Installation of Pastor Todd Smith

Friday October 25th we held the evening installation service for Reverend Todd Smith at Covenant OPC in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. The service included a message from Rev Jeff Scott of Covenant Grace OPC in Roseburg Oregon, and Rev David Bass from New Geneva OPC in Idaho Falls.

Farewell Pastor Graves

After many years of faithful service, our founding pastor David Graves and his family have accepted the calling to a new church plant Living Stone Presbyterian Church in Wichita Falls Texas. Thank you for efforts in founding our little OPC church!

The Particularization of Covenant OPC

After many years as a mission plant of the OPC under the name of CDA Reformed Church, we’re thankful to God for his covenant blessings in establishing us as a church proper. On June 11th 2021 members of CDA Reformed met with the Northwest Presbytery presbyters in the installation of Rev. Dr. David Graves, and the elders Ed De Bruin, Michael Cooper and Kristopher Kord. Download the Bulletin of the service in PDF.